Designing multi-processor systems-on-chips becomes increasingly complex, as more applications with realtime requirements execute in parallel. System resources, such as memories, are shared between applications to reduce cost, causing their timing behavior to become inter-dependent. Using conventional simulation-based verification, this requires all concurrently executing applications to be verified together, resulting in a rapidly increasing verification complexity. Predictable and composable systems have been proposed to address this problem. Predictable systems provide bounds on performance, enabling formal analysis to be used as an alternative to simulation. Composable systems isolate applications, enabling them to be verified independently. Predictable and composable systems are built from predictable and composable resources. This paper presents three general techniques to implement and model predictable and composable resources, and demonstrates their applicability in the context of a memory controller. The architecture of the memory controller is general and supports both SRAM and DDR2/DDR3 SDRAM and a wide range of arbiters, making it suitable for many predictable and composable systems. The modeling approach is based on a shared-resource abstraction that covers any combination of supported memory and arbiter and enables system-level performance analysis with a variety of well-known frameworks, such as network calculus or data-flow analysis.