Managing multi-resolution simulations is a real challenge in large-scale distributed simulation systems. Various levels of resolution in a simulation, may result in inconsistencies, due to improper correlations between attributes of entities interacting at varied levels of resolution [14, 20]. Aggregation/disaggregation (A/D) is a method for implementing multi- resolution simulations within a High Level Architecture (HLA) federation. This paper is a followup of our earlier work [3], where we studied the Dynamic Grid-Based vs. Region-Based Data Distribution Management (DDM) Strategies, in a mono-resolution distributed simulation system. In this paper, we wish to extend that work, and present a multi-resolution scheme, based upon the aggregation and disaggregation (A/D) paradigm. The purpose of A/D is to ensure consistency in state updates between federates simulating objects at various levels of resolution. We present an extensive simulation experiments using several real-world benchmarks to evaluate the performance of both data distribution management schemes using our multiresolution paradigm.