In this tutorial, with the above-described multipath problem as a key problem to solve, we will present in detail the following four technical subjects related to the transceiver design for the IR UWB systems: i) the effects of UWB antennas and related RF frontends on the multipath patterns of the received IR UWB signals; ii) the IEEE 802.15.4a multipath models for the applications of IR-UWB systems in various environments such as body-area networks and general indoor and outdoor settings (including residence, office complex, agricultural areas, farms, and industrial operation rooms and workshops); iii) general IR UWB modulation schemes such as pulse position modulation and pulse amplitude modulation; and iv) the existing IR UWB transceiver technologies, including selective rake receiver, transmitted reference/differential transceiver, single and multiple frequency-shifted reference transceiver, and code-shifted reference transceiver, and v) future development tendency for the IR UWB transceiver technologies.