2008 37th IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
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This paper introduces a novel method for enhancement of fingerprint image by means of eliminating the artificial induced boundaries, precise background omission, avoid oversaturation of the image in homogeneous areas, with no intermediate filtering and computational complexity. In order to eliminate the induced boundaries, CLAHE (contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization) technique is employed. ‘Clip Limit’ is then applied in order to avoid oversaturation of the image in homogeneous areas. Subsequently, the image is disintegrated into an array of distinct blocks and the discrimination of the blocks is obtained by computing the standard deviation of the matrix elements to remove the image background. Once the boundaries for the region of interest is obtained, a new modified thinning method using slide neighborhood processing is applied to clarify the endpoints and the bifurcations in each specific pixel. The purpose of this paper is to develop a simple and accurate method to improve and enhance the fingerprint image through a simulated investigation.
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