One of the main issues for a smart city is the data aggregation from various data sources to the central control units for storage and analysis. While the core networks are winding up progressively over-burden, the cost of keeping up and extending the networks to oblige the big data of these smart cities stays high. Moreover, the utilization of these systems continues expanding the energy consumptions. Consequently, the carbon emissions amid this procedure could at long last wind up genuinely hurting the environment. In order to overcome the problems of congested networks, energy consumption, and carbon emissions we propose an energy efficient data dissemination framework. The idea is to utilize the city existing public transport infrastructure to pick up and deliver the big data from designated pick-up points and data centers. Two numerical studies evaluated in this paper confirm the noteworthy cost and energy savings can be obtained by utilizing the existing vehicle volume on the road for big data dissemination in the smart city. The analysis of energy cost and carbon emissions using the traditional min-cost flow problem is also included.