2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks" (WoWMoM)
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It is the objective of this work to propose an extension of the Concealed Data Aggregation (CDA) approach which has originally been invented to allow some forms of in-network processing on encrypted data for reverse multicast traffic a.k.a. convergecast traffic. Extensions have been done with respect to two axes: Our proposed Malleability Resilient Concealed Data Aggregation (MR-CDA) combines recently presented homomorphic MACs with additively homomorphic encryption schemes and thus helps detecting outsider attacks which maliciously add resp. inject encrypted data to an aggregated encrypted data format. In the visionary part of this work with the malleability resilient premium concealed data aggregation (MR-P-CDA) we investigate what cryptographic primitives are in principle available to provide the most flexible form of encrypted in-network processing. Whereas the MR-CDA is in particular optimized with respect to its computational performance, the MR-P-CDA intentionally is not taking into account performance issues. Instead its focus is on the provisioning of an overall system security without any functional restrictions.
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