Faculty, staff, and students from Colorado School of Mines' Renewable Energy Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (REMRSEC) will discuss several strategies that have allowed REMRSEC to host a successful Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program over the past five years for more than 100 students. The REU has consistently attracted highly qualified, diverse applicants and participants from a broad range of educational institutions that include Doctoral/Research Universities, four-year liberal arts colleges, historically black colleges and universities, Ivy League schools, tribal colleges, and two-year colleges. The program has received a significant amount of national recognition and international visibility due to its strong mentoring component that spans a variety of engineering and science disciplines while engaging students in authentic research tasks. Audience members attending this panel discussion will learn how our REU has successfully connected faculty mentors and undergraduate student researchers together in experiential education activities outside the students' primary research endeavors that include extracurricular activities, field trips, hands-on laboratory investigations, interactions with other REUs, professional development opportunities, student-driven “snapshots” sessions, and weekly technical seminars.