2013 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)
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Studies have identified institutional or programmatic interventions that can be implemented to address lack of fit and related individual variables that may impact success and retention in engineering programs, especially among underrepresented groups in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. One such intervention is a living-learning community (LLC). Informed by best practices in the literature, inVenTs is a new interdisciplinary residential community offered at a Research I university that is designed to encourage the development of innovative and entrepreneurial thinking skills while at the same time offering programming that is linked to retention and success. Linked to the activities being offered in this residential community, our research is examining what curricular and co-curricular initiatives have been shown to retain undergraduates and at the same time develop students' ability to be innovative. This paper discusses initial findings from assessment efforts and future assessment plans as findings are being used to inform future programmatic initiatives.
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