According to Federal Council of Engineering, in Brazil the Engineers deficit is estimated at about 20,000 per year on several areas of engineering. Among other factors, one of the causes of this deficit is the high failure rate in the disciplines within the technical area which causes students to take up to twice the time required to complete the course. This phenomenon is also reflected in the Vocational courses of the Engineering area mainly because the students are teenagers that quickly discourage before traditional classes. Therefore there is a failure to achieve the goal of education and considering the specificities of each student deficiencies. One of the issues that has been extensively studied in recent years is how we can improve the teaching of technical subjects in vocational courses and engineering that, in Brazil, have a failure rate that reaches 40% in some cases. In countries with more developed education, such as Finland, Sweden, Korea and others, they are already using more modern methods aimed at excellence in learning, such as "Project Based Learning, "Collaborative Learning", "Learning by Doing", "No Child Left Behind", among others. These methods change the educational philosophy and teaching bases, putting the student as a central element of learning and working their specificities and self-development in a participatory and motivating environment. Thus, this paper presents the use of these modern methodologies applied to technical vocational education in the Federal Institute of Amazonas, in Mechanical Areas, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, in subjects in which failure rate reached 40% when using the traditional teaching used by the Campus. The results of using these methodologies in four groups involving about 120 students demonstrated substantial improvement in the learning of technical subjects, with consequent reduction in the failure rate and increase the motivation and self-esteem of students to give continuity to the studies in this area and join Engineering courses.