F. Wu, LIRMM - Université Montpellier 2 / CNRS, France L. Dilillo, LIRMM - Université Montpellier 2 / CNRS, France A. Bosio, LIRMM - Université Montpellier 2 / CNRS, France P. Girard, LIRMM - Université Montpellier 2 / CNRS, France S. Pravossoudovitch, LIRMM - Université Montpellier 2 / CNRS, France A. Virazel, LIRMM - Université Montpellier 2 / CNRS, France M. Tehranipoor, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA K. Miyase, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan X. Wen, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan N. Ahmed, Texas Instruments, Dallas, USA
This study investigates the reasons why test power reduction through X-filling techniques works well for cycle-average power reduction but is not so efficient concerning instantaneous peak power reduction.