2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS)
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In this paper, we present an application level aggressive I/O caching and prefetching system to hide I/O access latency experienced by out-of-core applications. Without the application level prefetching and caching capability, users of I/O intensive applications need to rewrite them with asynchronous I/O calls or restructure their code with MPI-IO calls to efficiently use the large scale system resources. Our proposed solution of user controllable aggressive caching and prefetching system maintains a file-IO cache in the user space of the application, analyzes the I/O access patterns, prefetches requests, and performs write-back of dirty data to storage asynchronously. So each time the application needs the data it does not have to pay the full I/O latency penalty in going to the storage and getting the required data. We have implemented this aggressive caching and asynchronous prefetching on the Blue Gene/P (BGP) system. The preliminary experiment evaluates the caching performance using the WRF benchmark. The results on BGP system demonstrate that our method improves application I/O throughput.
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