Voluminous and variety of disparate information is generated and consumed in agriculture domain at a higher velocity. In agriculture, information is available in the form of weather and soil conditions reports, GPS mapping, water resources, fertilizer/ pesticide use, field characteristics, and commodity market conditions. Big data technology has a huge potential to refer these information and produce comprehensive insight via Geo-spatial processing, remote sensing, advance analytics algorithms, cloud resources, and advance storage systems. The paper, proposes a spark based information management system for agriculture and intend to reduce the technological gap between agro users and information. The system is proposed to collect, query, analyze, and visualize heterogeneous and distributed data including Geo-spatial data at scale using open source. The implementation is done on big data open source architectures by developing various web based analytical and visualization services for cotton crop in Gujarat state, India. The analytical results are explored through interactive maps and Restful ad-hoc APIs.