This paper presents a sound-field reproduction system able to equalize the acoustic channel impulse response and to cancel the crosstalk components between two loudspeakers and two microphones. The system is implemented over a network of two commodity mobile devices, and makes use of two loudspeakers connected to the devices via Bluetooth. The application connects each loudspeaker to one device, establishes a Wi-Fi connection between the two devices, and performs channel estimation, inverse filter calculation, delay compensation and sound reproduction in a seamless way, obtaining the desired sound signals at the devices' microphones. Considering the system as a two-node wireless acoustic network, distributed processing is proposed in order to balance the computational cost and the communication burden between the devices. A real experiment has been carried out using two tablets Samsung Galaxy TAB 3 and two Bluetooth Yamaha NXP100 loudspeakers obtaining over -10dB of average crosstalk attenuation.