2016 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC)
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Continuing to improve computational energy efficiency will soon require developing and deploying new operational paradigms for computation that circumvent the fundamental thermodynamic limits that apply to conventionally-implemented Boolean logic circuits. In particular, Landauer's principle tells us that irreversible information erasure requires a minimum energy dissipation of kT ln 2 per bit erased, where k is Boltzmann's constant and T is the temperature of the available heat sink. However, correctly applying this principle requires carefully characterizing what actually constitutes “information erasure” within a given physical computing mechanism. In this paper, we show that abstract combinational logic networks can validly be considered to contain no information beyond that specified in their input, and that, because of this, appropriately-designed physical implementations of even multi-layer networks can in fact be updated in a single step while incurring no greater theoretical minimum energy dissipation than is required to update their inputs. Furthermore, this energy can approach zero if the network state is updated adiabatically via a reversible transition process. Our novel operational paradigm for updating logic networks suggests an entirely new class of hardware devices and circuits that can be used to reversibly implement Boolean logic with energy dissipation far below the Landauer limit.
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