In this paper, we propose a technique for custom instruction (CI) extension considering process variations. It bridges the gap between the high level custom instruction extension and chip fabrication in nanotechnologies. In the proposed method, instead of using the conventional static timing analysis (STA), statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) which in turn results in a probabilistic approach to identifying and selecting different parts of the CI extension is utilized. More precisely, we use the delay Probability Density Function (PDF) of the CIs in identification and selection phases of the CI extension. In the identification phase, the delay of each CI is modeled by PDF whereas the performance yield is added as a constraint. Additionally, in the selection phase, the merit function of the conventional approaches is modified to increase the performance gain of the selected CIs at the price of slightly sacrificing the design yield. Also, to make the approach computationally more efficient, we propose a method for reducing the modeling time of the PDF of the CIs by reducing the number of candidate CIs before extracting the PDF.