2016 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC)
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Energy-autonomous computing and sensing devices have the potential to extend the reach of computing to a scale beyond either wired or battery-powered systems. This emerging class of battery-free devices harvests all their energy from the environment and typically operates off of a few microfarads of local energy storage. This poses a unique set of challenges for system architects and application developers as these energy constrained devices experience power intermittence which causes the system to reset and power-cycle unpredictably, tens to hundreds of times per second. Furthermore, workloads on energy harvesting devices are not only dictated by the available power but the order of execution is often not reversible due to the voltage dependencies of system peripherals. This talk will introduce several energyautonomous computing platforms along with energy-interference-free debugging tools that allow workloads to be monitored in an unobtrusive manor.
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