This paper presents a network-on-chip (NoC) with flexible infrastructure based on dynamic wormhole packet identitity mapping management. The NoCs are developed based on VHDL-modular approach to support the design flexibility. The on-chip router switches packets using wormhole packet switching method with synchronous parallel pipeline technique. Contention-free routing algorithms and dynamic packet identity management are proposed to support wire-through-share methodology and identity-slot division multiple access technique. The on-chip routers are also equipped with packet flow control and automatic injection rate control mechanism to avoid packet-loss, when the NoC is congested. Some static and adaptive routing algorithms are implemented in the NoC to observe the performance of the NoC over some selected network traffic patterns and the logic consumption (using CMOS standard-cell library). Area overheads to implement several adaptive routings over static routing algorithm are less than 9%. Our NoC guarantees in-order and lossless message flits delivery.