MAESTRO is a prototype runtime designed to provide simple, very light threads and synchronization between those threads on modern commodity (×86) hardware. The MAESTRO threading library is designed to be a target for a high-level language compiler or source-to-source translator, not for user-level programming. It provides parallel programming environments with a straight forward hardware model which can be mapped to available hardware dynamically. MAESTRO separates the size of the hardware system being used from the amount of parallelism available in an application. By separating the problem of locating parallelism from the problem of effectively using parallelism, both problems can be made easier. To the extent possible, the programming environment should be responsible for finding parallelism and the runtime should manage resource allocation and assignment. Parallel regions and parallel loops are implemented. Several simple benchmarks have been ported from OpenMP to use the MAESTRO threading interface. Two synchronization mechanisms have been implemented, one for general synchronization and one for producer-consumer relationships. We have started building a level of 'virtualization' between the programming environment and the actual hardware, which will allow better hardware utilization and support new parallel programming languages.