This paper describes how the Department of Engineering Technology & Management (ETM) at South Dakota State University (SDSU) is implementing a Peer Observation of Teaching process to improve teaching and as a result improve student learning. A robust definition of what constitutes good teaching that will address a variety of contexts and student cohorts has yet to be developed. There is general agreement that good teaching should lead to increased student learning. The teaching process is complex and difficult, however external feedback can be a useful tool to help faculty improve effectiveness. Based on a seminar provided to the entire SDSU campus, the ETM Department has developed and is beta-testing a seven-step process to implement peer observation and evaluation to provide feedback to teachers from their fellow faculty. Yet to be to fully developed is how to choose from among several possible ways to assess the results of the peer review of teaching process and to improve effective teaching. At the time of this paper's presentation in Fall 2011, we will report on the status of the process, some assessment outcomes, and recommendations for future implementation.