2013 IEEE 21st International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC)
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During software evolution a developer must investigate source code to locate then understand the entities that must be modified to complete a change task. To help developers in this task, Haiduc et al. proposed text summarization based approaches to the automatic generation of class and method summaries, and via a study of four developers, they evaluated source code summaries generated using their techniques. In this paper we propose a new topic modeling based approach to source code summarization, and via a study of 14 developers, we evaluate source code summaries generated using the proposed technique. Our study partially replicates the original study by Haiduc et al. in that it uses the objects, the instruments, and a subset of the summaries from the original study, but it also expands the original study in that it includes more subjects and new summaries. The results of our study both support the findings of the original and provide new insights into the processes and criteria that developers use to evaluate source code summaries. Based on our results, we suggest future directions for research on source code summarization.
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