World Wide Web is hosting huge information regarding lots of areas and education is not an exception. Given the huge amount of data, searching for any educational resource manually is very difficult. To overcome this, an intelligent repository of educational resources that helps to decide among the available resources is needed. This paper discusses an attempt to build such repository. This will help users to decide among the available solutions for their needs by providing a comparative analysis among the solutions. The user will also be provided with user experience of the solutions. As the content over the web changes regularly and also new resources get added to the web, the repository will be updated dynamically. And all these tasks are done automatically as far as possible. This work uses crawling, classification, and information extraction techniques for the task of identifying the softwares/tools for education from the web. Our implementation focuses on the free open source softwares (FOSS) for education domain. The final framework of this system would be generic so that it can be extended to any other domain.