Virtual reality technologies, along with motion based input devices allow for the design of innovative interfaces between learners and digital knowledge resources. These interfaces might facilitate knowledge work in educational and scientific contexts. Compared to 2D interfaces, immersive 3D environments provide greater flexibility regarding the interface design, however, so far no general, theory-driven and validated design principles are available. Seeing that complex learning environments can foster the development of various cognitive abilities, like multiperspective reasoning skills (MPRS), such design principles are highly desirable. Using multiperspective hypermedia environments (MHEs) as a testbed, the presented project aims to identify and evaluate design principles, derived from cognitive science. We will create and study interactive, immersive 3D-interface to MHEs using virtual reality technology. To evaluate the developed system, we will contrast the acquisition of MPRS in 2D and 3D learning environments. We expect that the developed design principles will be directly applicable for enhancing the accessibility of other knowledge environments.