Cloth animation is an important area of computer graphics due to its numerous applications. However, so far an animation of fast moving cloth with multiple wrinkles has been difficult to make because of the cloth clump problem. Cloth clumps are the frozen areas where cloth pieces are clustered unnaturally - an obstacle in making a realistic cloth animation. Hence we present a novel cloth collision resolution algorithm which prevents clump formation during fast cloth motions. The goal of our resolution algorithm is to let cloth move swiftly without having any frozen cloth clumps, while preventing any cloth-cloth and rigid-cloth penetrations at any moment of a simulation. The non-penetration status of cloth is maintained without the formation of cloth clumps regardless of the speed of cloth motion. Our algorithm is based on a novel order in the resolution of cloth collisions. Our algorithm can be used with any cloth simulation approach such as spring-masses or finite elements. For the particular types of applications presented in this paper, we use a spring-mass system and we show several realistic simulations involving fast motions that are clump-free.