The 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference onComputer Systems and Applications, 2005.
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Summary form only given. The complexity of computing systems keeps growing even beyond human capabilities to handle management tasks for achieving the best benefits from such systems. Autonomic computing was introduced with the promise of self-management, where computing systems would be able to manage their behaviors. The concept of Web services emerged for the intension of enabling heterogeneous computing systems to seamlessly and dynamically interact with each other to empower intra-enterprise collaboration. This research is concerned with the issue of designing autonomic computing systems so that computing systems can evolve towards self-management paradigm. For this purpose, and by conducting the research, the relationship between the goals of autonomic computing and the promises of Web service has become enough persuasive to blend the two technologies in a composite one, which is autonomic Web services. In autonomic Web services, each entity is a Web service that is behaving autonomically. The research aims at proving that with autonomic Web services, computing systems will be able to manage themselves as well as their relationships with each other. To achieve this objective, the research proposes a system that implements the concept of autonomic Web services; a proof-of-concept prototype of this system is currently under development and testing.
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