16th IEEE Symposium Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2003. Proceedings.
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Galvanic skin response is a method of regulating the internal physical process by giving a biofeedback, which is effective in the treatment of phobias, anxiety and to increase the relaxation process of the subject during the hypnosis. Presently the application of GSR by certain Physiologist and Psychologist is substantially restricted by its inability to generate time varying responses. By generating these time varying graphical responses we would be able to monitor only the skin resistance response over a period of time. Moreover the condition of the most vital organ of the body. i.e.: the heart, in condition of stress, anxiety, anger as well as pressure is unavailable. To evaluate the cardiac responses at this point we have combine heart rate variability along with galvanic skin response. Here, we will be monitoring the GSR signal and ECG signal. These signals are then computer interfaced to give the responses of GSR and HRV. With the help of these responses a physician would be able to guide his patient under condition of stress, anxiety and pressure through biofeedback. Thus the physician would be able to give clinical diagnosis and management of different heart disorders, its regulation and stability, which would help the individual to self regulate his/her own health and growth. Regardless, of the method of analysis, GSR and HRV would provide a very robust biofeedback that can be easily used for diagnosis and communicating responses.
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