2015 Eighth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3)
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This paper shows an enhanced heuristic approach of grey wolf optimizer and simulated annealing in order to find optimum solution for Travelling Tournament Problem. In this paper, we tackle the mirrored version of TTP. We use a fast constructive heuristic algorithm to generate schedules. Later we integrate an enhanced heuristic approach of simulated annealing based on prey proximity model of Grey Wolf Optimizer to obtain least cost tournament schedule. We upgrade the position updating step of GWO by using probabilistic methods and hybridize it with SA to solve TTP and avoid getting stuck in local minima. Our proposed hybrid algorithm converges to an optimum solution for TTP. We calculate the overall cost of TTP and compare the performance of our alorithm with other metaheuristic algorithms like MBBO/ESA, BBO/SA, ACO and PSO.
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