This paper presents a new approach to reversible cascade evolution based on a 3D cellular automaton. As a research platform we used the ATR?s CAMBrain Machine (CBM). Reversible circuits are investigated because they are expected to dissipate much less energy than their irreversible counterparts. One day they will be implemented as nano-scale 3-dimensional chips. A circuit is reversible if the number of its inputs equals the number of its outputs and there is a one-to-one mapping between spaces of input vectors and output vectors. This paper provides (1) a brief introduction to reversible logic concentrating on definitions and properties of the Feynman, Toffoli, Fredkin gates, (2) an introduction to the 3D Cellular Logic Machine (CLM) that is a cellular automaton with frozen and pulsing state variables, (3) a collection of reversible structures evolved using a dedicated GA and located in the CBM using the NeuroMaze 3.0 Pro, a software tool for computer-aided design of CBM-style structures.