Face and Gesture 2011
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Many problems in machine learning and computer vision consist of predicting multi-dimensional output vectors given a specific set of input features. In many of these problems, there exist inherent temporal and spacial dependencies between the output vectors, as well as repeating output patterns and input-output associations, that can provide more robust and accurate predictors when modelled properly. With this intrinsic motivation, we propose a novel Output-Associative Relevance Vector Machine (OA-RVM) regression framework that augments the traditional RVM regression by being able to learn non-linear input and output dependencies. Instead of depending solely on the input patterns, OA-RVM models output structure and covariances within a predefined temporal window, thus capturing past, current and future context. As a result, output patterns manifested in the training data are captured within a formal probabilistic framework, and subsequently used during inference. As a proof of concept, we target the highly challenging problem of dimensional and continuous prediction of emotions from naturalistic facial expressions. We demonstrate the advantages of the proposed OA-RVM regression by performing both subject-dependent and subject-independent experiments using the SAL database. The experimental results show that OA-RVM regression outperforms the traditional RVM and SVM regression approaches in prediction accuracy, generating more robust and accurate models.
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