37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the
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This research investigates the applicability of Davis? Technology Acceptance Model to user acceptance of a knowledge management information system. It addresses two important questions: "Does the Technology Acceptance Model explain user acceptance and usage of an information system implemented to support knowledge management objectives?" "Can previous Technology Acceptance Model user acceptance research serve as a basis for investigation of user acceptance of knowledge management information technology systems?" This study provides preliminary evidence that previous information technology acceptance research based on the Technology Acceptance Model, may serve as a foundation for research of knowledge management system user acceptance. Relationships among primary TAM constructs are in substantive agreement with those characteristic of previous TAM research. Significant positive relationships between perceived usefulness, ease of use, and system usage were consistent with previous TAM research. The observed mediating role of perceived usefulness in the relationship between ease of use and usage was also in consonance with earlier findings. The findings are significant because they suggest that the considerable body of previous TAM related information technology research may be usefully applied to the knowledge management domain, and promote further investigation of factors affecting the user acceptance and usage of knowledge management information systems.

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