We present a novel boosting cascade based face detection framework using SURF features. The framework is derived from the well-known Viola-Jones (VJ) framework but distinguished by two key contributions. First, the proposed framework deals with only several hundreds of multidimensional local SURF patches instead of hundreds of thousands of single dimensional haar features in the VJ framework. Second, it takes AUC as a single criterion for the convergence test of each cascade stage rather than the two conflicting criteria (false-positive-rate and detection-rate) in the VJ framework. These modifications yield much faster training convergence and much fewer stages in the final cascade. We made experiments on training face detector from large scale database. Results shows that the proposed method is able to train face detectors within one hour through scanning billions of negative samples on current personal computers. Furthermore, the built detector is comparable to the state-of-the-art algorithm not only on the accuracy but also on the processing speed.