All over the world, a large number of people are suffering from brain related diseases. Diagnosing of these diseases is the requirement of the day. Dementia is one such brain related disease. This causes loss of cognitive functions such as reasoning, memory and other mental abilities which may be due to trauma or normal ageing. Alzheimer's disease is one of the types of the dementia which accounts to 60-80% of mental disorders [1]. For the diagnosis of such diseases many tests are conducted. In this paper, the authors have collected the data of 466 subjects by conducting neuro psychological test. The subjects are classified as demented or not using machine learning techniques. The authors have preprocessed the data. The data set is classified using Naive Bayes, Jrip and Random Forest. The data set is evaluated using explorer, knowledge flow and API. WEKA tool is used for the analysis purpose. Results show Jrip and Random forest performs better compared to Naive Bayes.