IEEE 802.11n improves upon the previous 802.11 standards by adding multiple-input multiple-output antennas (MIMO)., which operates at a maximum data rate from 54 to 600 Mbit/sec. Nowadays, WLAN robot is becoming popular. IP camera implemented on the WLAN robot consumes a high bandwidth usage, which is needed to investigated. Traffic characteristic of IP camera over IEEE 802.11 is also rarely studied. In this paper, Two IP cameras throughput on WLAN robot is observed. Traffic characteristic of IP camera in terms of packet size and packet volume (pps) is also analyzed. Additionally, the performance comparison of IEEE802.11 devices is also presented. The experimental results show the limitation of using IEEE 802.11 devices in the remote controlling robot on both curved and straight road. WLAN signal is not smooth proved by RTT mdev. Traffic characteristic of IP camera is useful for traffic simulation.