Data storage plays an essential role in today?s fast-growing data-intensive network services. iSCSI is one of the most recent standards that allow SCSI protocols to be carried out over IP networks. However, the disparities between SCSI and IP prevent fast and efficient deployment of SAN (Storage Area Network) over IP. This paper introduces STICS (SCSI-To-IP Cache Storage), a novel storage architecture that couples reliable and high-speed data caching with low-overhead conversion between SCSI and IP protocols. Through the efficient caching algorithm and localization of certain unnecessary protocol overheads, STICS significantly improves performance over current iSCSI system. Furthermore, STICS can be used as a basic plug-and-play building block for data storage over IP. We have implemented software STICS prototype on Linux operating system. Numerical results using popular PostMark benchmark program and EMC?s trace have shown dramatic performance gain over the current iSCSI implementation.