This paper proposes a security architecture for optical code division multiple access networks based on lattice cryptography. Unlike existing approaches, which have mainly focused on optical components such as phase masks and delay lines, our cryptosystem encompasses a secure code construction process. In fact, given a set of optical orthogonal codewords, we associate a pair of bases (a public basis and a private basis) to every user and we show that the projection of a codeword on the public basis of the receiver and the addition of a random error enhances the confidentiality performance of the code. The proposed public key cryptosystem is based on lattice cryptography. The security of this scheme relies mainly on the complexity of the closest vector-problem in an integer lattice. We found that our technique performs better than the existing approaches in terms of robustness to cryptanalysis. We also study the security of our lattice cryptosystem with regard to the properties of the bases pairs and the error vectors.