Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are an example of critical embedded system, since it uses specific hardware and software to control the vehicle through its operation. One of the main parts of the system is the autopilot, which is responsible for stabilising the aircraft during the flight, executing navigation tasks and sensing the environment. The path-following is an important capability of a UAV, allowing it to follow a desired path defined by waypoints. Several solutions of the path-following for loiter paths are described in the literature, but most of them only deals with the 2D scenario. Therefore, this paper presents an extension process to determine path-following algorithms based on Carrot-Chasing, Non-Linear Guidance Law (NLGL), Pure Pursuit and Line-of-Sight (PLOS) and Vector Field. It also demonstrates a comparison between these new algorithms using a simulation with wind disturbances, which shows that NLGL produces smaller errors and Carrot-Chasing and PLOS requires less effort.