In this paper, we present a new collision free MAC protocol - multi-channel Binary-countdown-carrier-sense / Request-to-send (RTS) / Object-to-send (OTS) / Agree-to-send (ATS) / Disagree-to-send (DTS) / Ensure-to-send (ETS) / Neaten-to-send (NTS) (BROADEN) for ad hoc wireless networks that can achieve 100% collision free performance. Furthermore, it can totally solve the "exposed terminal", "hidden terminal", and "moving terminal" problems. It will also decrease the bandwidth consumed per transmitted data packet and thus improve the network's performance in decreasing the average delay of packet sending, dropping discard ratio, and increase the network's throughput significantly. Finally, the scheme can enable different packets with different priorities access the media according to their priority level and thus gain their desired QoS.