2009 ICSE Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering
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Many service-oriented business systems have to comply to various contracts and agreements. Multiple technical and non-technical stakeholders with different background and knowledge are involved in modeling such business concerns. In many cases, these concerns are only encoded in the technical models and implementations of the systems, making it hard for non-technical stakeholders to get involved in the modeling process. In this paper we propose to tackle this problem by providing model-driven Domain-specific Languages (DSL) for specifying the contracts and agreements, as well as an approach to separate these DSLs into sub-languages at different abstraction levels, where each sub-language is tailored for the appropriate stakeholders. We exemplify our approach by describing a Quality-of-Service (QoS) DSL which can be used to describe Service Level Agreements (SLA). This work provides insights into how DSLs can be utilized to model and enrich service-oriented business systems with concerns defined in contracts and agreements.
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