In this study, we propose a variation of the RAdNet for vehicular environments (RAdNet-VE). The proposed scheme extends the message header, mechanism for registering interest, and message forwarding mechanism of RAdNet. Based on results obtained from simulation experiments, we compare the performance of RAdNet-VE against that of RAdNet, a basic content-centric network (CCN) using reactive data routing, (CCNr), and a basic CCN using proactive data routing, CCNP. These CCNs provide non-cacheable data services. Moreover, the communication radio standards adopted in the scenarios 1 and 2 were respectively IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11p. The results shown that the performance of the RAdNet-VE was superior to than those of RAdNet, CCNR and CCNP. In this sense, RAdNet-VE protocol (RVEP) presented low communication latencies among nodes of just 20.4ms (scenario 1) and 2.87 ms (scenario 2). Our protocol also presented high data delivery rates, i.e, 83.05% (scenario 1) and 88.05% (scenario 2). Based on these and other results presented in this study, we argue that RAdNet-VE is a feasible alternative to CCNs as information-centric network (ICN) model for VANET, because the RVEP satisfies all of the necessary communication requirements.