2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)
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In wireless networks, interference modeling is essential for performance analysis and protocol design, since it is the most important cause of performance degradation. The interferers are usually assumed to be random and their locations modeled by a homogeneous Poisson point process (PPP). Performance analysis in wireless networks with Poisson field of interferers is mainly based on the characteristic function of the α-stable distribution which is not given in a convenient form for performance evaluation. This limitation is due to the α-stable distribution having only one known closed-form probability density function (pdf) when the characteristic exponent α = 1/2 which corresponds to path-loss exponent η = 4. However, propagation studies have observed wireless channels with η = 3 and η = 6. Therefore, in this paper, in addition to the known distribution for η = 4, we present exact pdf expressions for α = 1/3 (η = 6) and α = 2/3 (η = 3), and use these distributions to derive exact expressions for several performance metrics of binary digital transmissions over a Nakagami fading channel. The analytical results are validated with Monte Carlo simulation.
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